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The Importance of Slow Learning 18/11/2008

Posted by Antonio Vantaggiato in educación 2.0.
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Global Summit 06 – Geetha Narayanan « HeyJude

With only a two-year delay (!) I discovered Geetha Narayanan, thanks to this interview video on Slow Learning. She talks about the connection between the Slow Food movement (_enjoy food, its flavors, its textures with no hurry!_)… and Slow Learning. It’s fascinating.

Geetha has dedicated her life to finding and establishing new modesl of learning that are creative, synergistic and original in their approach. To know that she worked for many years with Seymour Papert indicates the type of thinking that energises her work. Geetha talked fervently about bringing people, technology and learning together within a new conceptual framework.

She suggests that what predominates is conventional thinking.WE need to ask more of technology. Can new technologies create a sense of well-being? Rather brilliantly, she argued against the ‘flat-land’ rhetoric of the digital age.

Here is her paper presentation at Global Summit 06 in a session aptly named Provocateur!

{_The paper itself is Crafting Change II: The Project Vision Hypothesis._}

And here are all the materials (podcasts, presentations, papers) from Global Summit 06.