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2009 Horizon Report 22/01/2009

Posted by Antonio Vantaggiato in educación 2.0.
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At Educause ELI09 meeting, Larry Johnson (NMC‘s CEO) presented the latest Horizon Report for 2009. The Report discusses the technologies which will be at the forefront of education during 2009 and it places them in three time horizons.

The technologies to watch are Mobiles, Cloud Computing, Geo-Everything, The Personal Web, Semantic-Aware Applications and Smart Objects.

Mobile technologies are letting the Internet converge with telephony and bring Web services to every corner, thus following everybody’s whereabouts. Cloud computing’s instances are deployed whenever we use Google Docs or whatever Web-based application in which data and the software itself is stored in «the cloud», ie in (perhaps distributed fashion) server farms around the world. However, in the mid range timeframe, the Semantic Web and the Personal Web are likely to get a lot of attention in education. The Semantic-aware Web will allow machines to «understand» the meaning of searches we do and the information we need and seek. For instance, while today the answer to the question «How many world leaders are over the age of 60?» is scattered through Google’s search result, soon it may be looked up without hassle, directly. On the other hand…

Armed with tools for tagging, aggregating, updating, and keeping
track of content, today’s learners create and navigate a web that is
increasingly tailored to their own needs and interests: this is the
personal web.

The Horizon Report can be downloaded free through its website at the NMC. It comes in two versions: the classic pdf Report, and a more «web-friendly» version, which is done through WordPress’ CommentPress plugin, a fantastic technology in itself that showcases WP’s versatility as a great publiching anc content management platform. There’s also a Horizon wiki, which allows for continous collaboration on the Report’s issues.

Last, the Report will be published later in its classic square pamphlet formar. The Spanish version is being prepared by the Universitat Oberta de Catalonya (uoc.edu).

Tecnología de Class Capture 18/11/2008

Posted by Antonio Vantaggiato in educación.
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From Campus Technology: Turn ‘em on and Tune ‘em in: Harnessing Class-Capture Technology to Improve Student Retention, Satisfaction and Grades.

En el último número de Campus Technology, al igual que en varias otras revistas que se ocupan de tecnología educativa, se está hablando de Class Capture, o sea de una tecnología que pretende grabar en vídeo toda la gloria de la ya abusada conferencia del profesor, para que el estudiante la tenga disponible si no quiso o pudo ir a clases o en el caso de curso en línea. Esto es lo que dice Campus Technology:

Students from across the country discuss the impact of Tegrity on their college experience

21st century students are smart, busy, tech-savvy multi-taskers. How can technology help them study more efficiently, grasp complex subject matter and save time? Can student-centric technology really improve student retention, satisfaction and grades? Can new learning models engage students and impact participation in the classroom? Does Tegrity facilitate a collaborative learning environment? Do they really watch videos on the tiny iPod screen? How has Tegrity class capture enhanced the student’s ability to learn and grasp concepts?

Join us as students from colleges and universities from across the country share first-hand experience with Tegrity, the only class-capture solution delivered as a web service for higher education.

Esto me parece un clásico «pitch» de ventas para justificar el uso de la plataforma Tegrity. No digo que sea una mala idea, pero en este caso no puedo evitar ser sospechoso. ¿Quieren decir que todos los disparates que digo en el salón de clases se graban para siempre?

Education in the age of cloud computing 02/11/2008

Posted by Antonio Vantaggiato in anuncios, e-learning, educación, web2.0.
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Derek’s Blog » Education in the age of cloud computing: The Tower and the Cloud from EDUCAUSE.

While not offering a crystal ball, [the book] does provide a series of reasoned, analytical perspectives on how current trends may unfold, altering our institutions and the higher education landscape in a future that may arrive faster than we expect. In reading it, we are all challenged to move beyond acknowledging the pace of technological change to envisioning all that the tower can be if we embrace the cloud. -Diana Oblinger (EDUCAUSE)

Download the entire book here!